Do you think working hard or dieting is the secret to losing weight?
Most of the people thing this is correct but I would say no. Hard work is required for achieving any goal, but dieting or starving will reduce your weight but that won't be permanent.
Here are 5 tips for losing weight permanently without starving:
1. Inspiration: You should take inspiration from biggest weight loser's success stories from across the world. Try to find real life example close to yourself as it will inspire you more to lose weight. Weight loss starts from acceptance that you are over weight and weight can be reduced using simple small steps. Unless and until you believe in loss weight you can not loose weight. Get a checkup done by doctor before starting any weight loss program.
2. Drink: Drink Water or lemonade before eating your breakfast, lunch or dinner. This will reduce your hunger and you will eat less. Drinking more water before and during food reduces the intake of food thereby reducing your body.
Drink one glass of lemonade made out luke warm water, lemon and honey after getting up in morning on empty stomach. This helps in burning fats. Water cleanses your body of many impurities and maintains a healthy glowing skin.
3. Diet : Oh no! again dieting you will say. NO! we are not asking you starve. We want you to make small adjustments in your diet to healthy eating. Understand your calorie count, which food contributes to what calories. This can be seen from the food labels. Even when eating out at restaurants, be choosy depending upon the cooking style.
Eat more nuts as they have many nutrients like protein, fibres, vitamins and are low on fats and cholestral. Even eating nuts regularly reduces risk of heart attack.
Moreover don't eat fast food as it is not good for health as well as for your weight loss.
4. Partner : Find a partner for your exercise. Mostly if exercise is done along with partner it works out better. Exercise regularly. try different exercises. Do regular walk / run / jog. Running / Jogging burns your fat.
5. Shopping : Eat before you shop for your grocery. Why? It stops impulsive purchases as your stomach is full and you are not thinking about food. Always prepare list of items to be purchased before going for shopping and always stick to your list. This way you can plan healhy diet and follow your weight loss program.
These are some of the small tips which can be followed easily which will result in gradual and permanent weight loss. For more weight loss tips 'n' tricks and one dollar weght loss program visit my one dollar weight loss program site.